How Was Your Winter?

How Was Your Winter?

We’d like to hear from you.
* How did your diesel fuel perform this winter? We’d like to know about it.
* Do you drive cross country? Let us know how you deal with variable diesel fuel quality.

* Are you responsible for equipment that must run up to 24 hours a day regardless of the weather? Tell us how you deal with the extreme temperatures.

* Did you have to blend any K-1 (kerosene) this winter? What rate? Why?

* Did you have any water issues in the diesel fuel?

* What was different about this winter? What did you do this year that changed from before and how did it work for you.

* What are you going to do next year because of things you learned this year?
If you would, please go the Contact Us page and answer a couple of the above questions. We’d like to hear from you!
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