Ultra Winter Pro® ULTRA WINTER PRO® WDATM An additional amount of Cetane improver is added to the WINTER PRO® WDATM formulation to give it 1 to 2 cetane engine number boost as well as detergency and lubricity to keep diesel fuel systems clean and running at maximum efficiency. A slightly more robust winter diesel fuel additive, ULTRA WINTER PRO® WDATM provides maximum protection for cold winter months with de-icers to reduce moisture and prevent diesel fuel line freeze up and anti-gel agents that modify wax crystals which form in cold temperatures. Includes CFPP (Cold Filter Plug Point) and Pour Point Depressants to lower the CFPP temperature of the base/untreated fuel by 25° F and reduces the pour point (Jell Point) by as much as 35°F. Treat rate is 1:500 (1 gallon to 500 gallons of diesel fuel.) For additional information, or to purchase, please contact us. ® Registered to Amalgamated, Inc TM Trademarked by Amalgamated, Inc