TDR-WDA "PLUS" PREMIUM WINTER DIESEL ADDITIVE “Eliminate Winter & DPF Unit Issues” With Amalgamated, Inc’s Two New TOP SHELF™ Additive Products (for today’s new and yesterday’s older engines) TDR-WDA-Plus™ is the “most technologically advanced” winter fuel additive available in the market. This new fuel additive contains the maximum amounts of chemicals for improved MPG including: 1 - Cetane Improver to raise the Engine Cetane Number by 7+ Numbers to enhance combustion for a complete burn of injected fuel AND reduced deposits in DPF after treatment systems 2 - Detergent to achieve a quick cleanup of existing deposits AND a keep clean rating of the fuel system for elimination of future fuel related deposits PLUS DPF system deposit reductions 3 - Lubricity Agent for optimum lubrication of the entire fuel system AND reduced wear of all fuel system components 4 - Stability Additives to rejuvenate unstable fuel and prevent future fuel degradation deposits 5 - Corrosion Inhibitors to prevent rust and corrosion of fuel system and exhaust components 6 - Cold Flow Improver for 20 to 25 degrees F reduction in CFPP 7 - Wax Suspension Agents to ‘fully’ suspend the fuel paraffin wax that forms at the fuel Cloud Point 8 - De-Icers to prevent fuel line and system freeze up from moisture down to -40 degrees F or more No other additive sold today can provide more or better engine performance for less cost - guaranteed! Click here to purchase. TM Amalgamated, Inc